Reflect & Revive
Reflect: Think deeply or carefully about
Revive: Give new strength or energy to
Since the formation of Atonement in 1951, God has performed amazing ministry and mission through us, and we are eager to learn what God has in mind for our future. The Reflect & Revive (R&R) Team was created to lead a deliberate process of reflection, discussion, and prayer to discern what God is calling the people of Atonement to do in the coming years.
The R&R Team completed its work and provided a summation of its findings to the Congregation Council. The Council will, with each member of Atonement using his/her unique gifts, make specific plans and implement changes to realize God's ministry and mission intentions for us.
June 20, 2023
The Council report on the Reflect & Revive Team findings is available here. Printed copies are available at the Welcome Desk in the Family Room. Please see the June 12, 2023 article below for more information.
June 12, 2023
The Reflect & Revive Team completed its work and provided a summation of its findings to the Congregation Council at the March 2023 Council meeting. Council has been studying and discussing the R&R Team findings, and will release a report on June 23* that will include elements from the findings and information about the framework the R&R Team used, which will also be utilized as Atonement continues our Reflect & Revive journey. Copies of the Council report will be available at the Welcome Desk in the Family Room and via this web page when it is released.
* Council intended to release the report on June 16, but determined additional edits were needed to best convey to the congregation the information most relevant at this time. Thank you for your patience.
June 6, 2023
The Congregation Council initiated two activities in response to feedback that the Reflect & Revive Team received during the small-group discussions that took place in the fall and winter of 2022-2023.
1. Atonement will formally highlight Juneteenth for the first time as a congregation. A fact sheet with information about Juneteenth will be included in June 17/18 service folder.
2. A game night on July 8 will bring Atonement school and church members together for an evening of fun and fellowship. Details will be provided soon.
These activities are just the first initiatives of our R&R journey, and we look forward to much more happening in the coming months.
We are grateful to everyone who participated in the Congregational Vitality Survey and the small-group discussions in the fall and winter of 2022-2023, the members who gave personal interviews to KLC, and everyone who has prayed for Atonement during our Reflect & Revive journey.
The people of Atonement thank D.J. Whetter of the Kansas Leadership Center (KLC) for his guidance and support as the Reflect & Revive Team learned about the KLC framework and performed their Reflect & Revive work.
A special thank you to the Reflect & Revive Team, Callie Gabbert, Cathy Hohl, Norm Koch, Kristin McGraw, and Scott Negwer, for the numerous hours they gave to listen, understand, and document what the people of Atonement believe God is calling us to do.