The Atonement Parent Teacher Organization is a team of caring parents and staff that work together to provide a variety of support services for our school. Funds generated by the APTO support events, activities, teacher expenses, technology upgrades, and so much more. A major project that the APTO has identified and is currently working on is playground and technology upgrades. We are also working together with the school to identify other areas of need.
Some of our events include:
Book Bingo
Trunk or Treat
Scholastic Book Sale
Family Trivia Night
Holiday Shoppe
Spirit Days
Dinner and a Movie Night
Pancakes with Parents
Very Important Person's Day
Elected officers of the APTO for the 2024-2025 school year are:
Kristy Mandrell - President
Kristin McGraw - Vice President
Charlynn Johanningmeier - Treasurer
- Secretary
Did you know our school collects Box Tops? Products ranging from Hefty and Ziploc to Green Giant and Nature Valley and so many other products contain Box Tops for Education labels. Save those labels and turn them in! All the associated funds are going towards playground upgrades.
Again for the 2024/2025 school year we're going to meet bi-monthly, which we know breaks no ones heart! The meetings are scheduled for July 7th, September 13th, November 8th, January 10th, March 7th and May 9th at 7:00 p.m. at Atonement in the Family Room. We look forward to working with you and your family to make our school and community a better place!
For more information please contact Kristy Mandrell or find us on Facebook