Lutheran Church of the Atonement
Great Rivers Collaborative
The Holy Spirit guides our congregation to perform amazing mission and ministry using the resources we have been blessed with. Recently, leaders from several area ELCA churches gathered to discuss how the gifts within individual congregations could be used in conjunction with other congregations to perform even greater mission and ministry. From these conversations, the Great Rivers Collaborative (GRC) was formed.
The GRC member congregations are Atonement, Good Shepherd, Living Christ, Shepherd of the Hills, St. Philips, Unity, and Zion. The GRC Committee already has several ideas and will share them with you soon. We encourage you to participate as you are able in upcoming GRC events!
If you have questions or ideas, please contact Atonement’s GRC representatives, Keith Tomazi (314-831-1607), David Cole (314-921-4264), or Cathy Hohl (314-862-3822).
GRC Calendar
Amazing things are happening and your are invited to participate! Click one of the links below to see events sponsored by the GRC, individual GRC congregations, or both.
GRC and Congregation-Sponsored Events
Congregation-Sponsored Events Only
Click on an event in the calendar to see details.
Click Week, Month, or Agenda in the top-right corner for a different view.
Events highlighted Green are sponsored by a specific congregation. Items in Blue are GRC events.
News & Events
October 29, 2023
Reformation Celebration
The initial Great Rivers Collaborative event was a great success with an extra special worship service, a presentation about what the GRC is, and a meal and fellowship. Photos and other material from the event are available here.
The GRC Committee thanks everyone who made this possible, including the pastors, worship leaders, musicians and choir, ushers, and food committee. A special thanks to everyone at Unity who were such gracious hosts!