Pastor Mueller's
After 33 years of faithful ministry at Atonement, Pr. Richard E. Mueller retired on June 30, 2023. Current and former Church/School members, staff, and students, family, friends, faith leaders, and community members honored him in various ways these past few months, including at the Grand Celebration held on June 25 at the James J. Eagan Center. Please see below for photos, audio recordings, and other material from the Grand Celebration and Pastor's final service at Atonement.
We give thanks to God for the ministry Pr. Mueller performed with the people of Atonement, and wish Pastor and Kathleen the very best in the next phase of their lives!

Pr. Mueller did not want a gift for himself but asked those who wanted to honor him to donate toward repairing our magnificent pipe organ. Many individuals, families, and the Bible Study Group, Adult Choir, and Men's Club, gave generously. At the Grand Celebration, Cathy Hohl presented a $10,000 ceremonial check to represent the donations received thus far.
If you wish to contribute to the Organ Repair Fund, you can do so in one of these ways:
1) Use your offering envelope.
On the "Other" line of the envelope, write "Retirement Gift" and the amount you are donating.
2) Send a check to:
Lutheran Church of the Atonement
Attn: Parish Administrator
1285 N. New Florissant Rd.
Florissant, MO 63031
Please write "Retirement Gift" on the check memo line.
3) Click the Retirement Gift button to contribute via credit card or direct debit from your bank account.
Grand Celebration
The June 25, 2023 event at the James J. Eagan Center was a wonderful celebration of Pastor Mueller's time at Atonement. Here is some material from the event.
Printed copies of the program are available at the Welcome Desk in the Family Room.
An electronic version is available here. It is formatted to print on 8 1/2" by 11" paper, and the best results are obtained by printing on the front and back of each piece of paper.
The presentation shown at the celebration event is available here as an MP4 file. Please note, it may take a few seconds for the file to load due to its large size.
Click here to view photos from the 10:15 Service and Grand Celebration on June 25, 2023.
Audio Recordings
Listen to select portions of the Celebration Event.
Letter from Bishop Candea - Pr. Koch
Reflections - Rob Biesendorfer
State of Missouri Proclamation - Gretchen Bangert
Seven Limericks - Pr. Mansholt
Thank You - Pr. Mueller
Closing Remarks and Prayer - Pr. Skarstad